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Mission, Values, & Goals

Our Mission

Students Protecting Education is a 501(c)(4) non-profit student-led organization committed towards working within communities to promote a diverse, inclusive, and equitable education for all students across America. We lead by empowering students to use their voices to advocate for positive change in their communities and beyond.

Our Values



The future of the world is built upon the fundamental principle of quality education that is equitably accessible to all. 



Students should feel free to express themselves without the threat of exclusion or marginalization.



Education is what shapes our future, and it is achieved to it's greatest ability by teaching all thoughts, ideas, and sides.



Attending school in an environment that promotes diversity helps formulate students a broader understanding of the world around them, and to learn about others who are not like them.



Every student deserves access to books, resources, and an equal opportunity to an education that represents themselves along with every single one of their peers.


Our Goals


Oppose Politics

Politics and partisan agendas have NO place in our public schools. Supporting non-partisan and education-focused policy and candidates will shape our public schools to represent all points of view and ideas. 


Understand Books

Reading books that promote diversity is one of the only ways to guarantee an inclusive and safe environment for all students. The banning of books rips this inclusivity and safe space away from many students. It is vitally important to speak out against the action of banning books to protect our fellow LGBTQ+ peers.​


Protect LGBTQ+

We must protect LGBTQ+ students and their ability to express themselves by empowering all students not only to fight against book banning, but to advocate for and support inclusive gender policy that gives non-binary and transgender students a safe environment to be in.


Empower Students

Change in our educational settings only happens when we take action. Empowering students to speak up about what they believe is right and to express themselves will bring active thinkers into the real world outside of school.


Support School Boards

The number one priority of our school boards is to protect and advance our educational excellence. We support school board candidates who focus on education and NOT political or special interests.

Support us today!

Students Protecting Education

Join the fight to defend the rights of students to learn freely.

Registered 501(c)(4)


Phone: ‪(716)-262-9042‬


60 School Street #1144

Orchard Park, New York 14127

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